There are 10 home organizing systems that most tidy homes have and most messy homes don’t. And the good news is that once you create them, it’s SO much easier to keep your space tidy and clean all the time!
1. The Action File
This is a game-changer! An action file is a designated spot for all those important papers you need to deal with—bills to pay, forms to sign, or invitations to RSVP. It’s not for reference papers but for urgent ones.
Set up your action file where you naturally pile papers. It could be a file folder, a magazine rack, or even an old container. The key? Schedule a weekly date to go through it and tackle the tasks.
2. Command Center
A command center is like the control panel for your home. It can include:
- A family schedule (I love the Skylight Frame for this—color-coded schedules for everyone!)
- Meal plans
- A chore list
If digital isn’t your thing, try a household management binder (you can download a free one here) This’ll be your home’s instruction manual, with everything from medical info to emergency contacts in one spot.
3. Important Documents
No more birth certificates in the bathroom or passports in sock drawers! Gather your essential documents like wills, passports, and social insurance cards in one spot. Better yet, use a fireproof safe for added security. Trust me, it’ll make things a whole lot easier when you need to find those important papers (and it’ll make it easier for others to find as well)
4. Cleaning Station
Where do you keep your vacuum or mop? If it’s “out in the kitchen,” it’s time for a change. Create a cleaning station with:
- Over-the-door racks for cleaning supplies
- A closet or small cabinet for your vacuum (bonus points if it has a charging spot!)
- A cleaning caddy for easy transport around the house
5. A Zoned Kitchen
Think of your kitchen as a map with zones. Keep like items together: spices with spices, baking supplies with baking supplies, and so on. Periodically rezone your kitchen to avoid things getting scattered over time. This makes cooking faster and keeps your kitchen tidier.
6. Laundry System
Laundry chaos is a real thing. Here’s what you need:
- A spot for dirty clothes
- A temporary home for clean clothes (hello, stackable laundry baskets!)
- Hooks for “too dirty to put away but too clean to wash” clothes like jeans or hoodies
- A solution for air-drying clothes (an over-the-door hook works great!)
7. A Random Stuff Bin
Not a junk drawer, but a home for those “sometimes useful” things like carpet tape or spare parts. Limit yourself to one bin. When it’s full, declutter. This keeps random clutter from sprinkling all over your home.
8. Everyday Essentials
Batteries, light bulbs, and furniture pads shouldn’t be hiding all over your house. Create labeled bins or baskets for these everyday household items. You’ll always know where to find them!
9. A Donation Station
Tidy homes declutter constantly. Set up a donation bin in your closet or garage. As soon as you decide you don’t need something, pop it in the bin instead of putting it back in its old spot. This keeps your home clutter-free.
10. A Medicine Organization System
Medicine doesn’t belong in your kitchen (unless it’s something you take daily). Use baskets or turntables in your linen closet to sort medications by type (pain relief, allergies, etc.). It’s quick, efficient, and frees up valuable kitchen space.
Having these 10 organizing systems in place can transform your home from chaotic to calm. Start small, pick one system to implement, and see the difference it makes. Remember, the goal isn’t perfection; it’s progress!
Download the FREE Basic Home Management Binder Here
Download the MEGA Home Management Binder Here
Organizing products I love and use:
Action File Box:
Tidy Tote:
Laundry Hamper with Handles:
Slim Line Felt Hangers:
Skylight Frame:
1. Roomba:
2. Tidy Tote:
3. Spray Mop:
4. Dusting Wand:
My Amazon Store:
Podcast Channel on Youtube: @ClutterbugPod