Are you ready?
It’s time to kick your clutter to the curb! Join me for a FREE Declutter Bootcamp and say good-bye to over 50 things you don’t need anymore.
It’s time to kick your clutter to the curb! Join me for a FREE Declutter Bootcamp and say good-bye to over 50 things you don’t need anymore.
Hi! I’m Cas from Clutterbug. As a recovering “super-slob”, I know how hard maintaining a tidy home can be. I felt like no matter how much I cleaned, my house was always a mess. I’ve discovered the secret to having a home that stays clean and tidy, and guess what? I clean and tidy WAY less than I did before. Want to know the first step? It starts with less stuff.
Sometimes we just need a little push to help us get to where we want to be. In my new Decluttering Bootcamp, I’ll help guide you through decluttering your home. We will start out small and easy, but gradually build up to some tough decluttering challenges.
In just 30 days, you will let go of over 50 things from your home, but more importantly, you will finally find joy in letting go. It’s time to simplify your home and your life, and it’s starts right now.
Watch the Declutter Bootcamp Kickoff video below to learn exactly what you will need to get started. Learn the five decluttering rules, how to shift your mindset and find out the tools you will need to do your bootcamp right!