by Cas | Apr 16, 2019 | Blog, Cleaning Tips, Cleaning Tips
Hey Bugs, it’s that time of year again! Spring has sprung and it’s time to start fresh by attacking all those chores we really don’t enjoy doing! With just 15 mins a day, you will be surprised at how much you really can accomplish. Set a timer, put...
by Cas | Jul 17, 2017 | Bathroom, Blog, Cleaning Tips, Cleaning Tips, Kitchen
Just like everyone organizes a little bit differently (find out your organizing style here), not all cleaning routines work for the same for everyone either. Some people are daily zone cleaners while others would rather dedicate one day each week for a full house...
by Cas | Apr 18, 2017 | Blog, Cleaning Tips
I have been LOVING all the “Power Hour” speed cleaning videos on YouTube lately. This trend was started by the wonderful Style Mom XO on YouTube and it is basically where you dedicate a full hour and clean your house as fast as possible. I LOVE these...