Turn a cardboard box into a pretty storage container

Mar 25, 2011 | Blog

Well, in my attempt to save a few bucks I may have created a fire hazard, but it is so pretty I have to share it with you anyways! lol.

K. So the container store sells these power cord boxes which are actually on sale this week.  I went online and put two in my “shopping cart” so I could tackle the mess of cords under our office desk.  The total was over $50! I cancelled my order and decided to try to make my own!


I found an old box I was going to recycle that was the perfect size to hold two power cords. I cut the box so it hinged on the side and I cut out two notches on either side for the cords.  I’m not going to go into too much detail as my husband insists this is a fire hazard (putting electrical cords in a box made of paper is apparently not smart) but you can use this concept to create pretty storage containers for other things…unless you are like me and think pretty is worth risking death for…then go for it!

I covered the box with pretty scrapbooking paper, but you can use anything from fabric to construction paper!

BEFORE..OMG. My messy cables are so embarrassing!

AFTER..May burn down my home but so very pretty!

So you may not want to make a cardboard death trap..I mean cord box, but what I’d like to show you is that you can make pretty storage boxes without spending money just by covering regular old cardboard boxes with paper or fabric.  Check out the link below to see how this creative chick make these pretty storage boxes using diaper boxes and canvas!

Click here to see how she did it!

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