Pinterest…my newest addiction

Aug 24, 2011 | Blog

I have an addictive personality.  I am also ADHD.  These two things combined once added up to a lot of trouble for me. Now that I’m older, I’ve learned ways to cage the beast.  This cage consists of a lot of different projects, always on the go.  Once I start a new project, it is all I focus on…until after an hour or so and boredom causes me to move on to something new.

Enter Pinterest! OMG I love this website. It is an entire site dedicated to one thing… Inspiration.  I could spend hours browsing this site just enjoying the beautiful pictures and I always get amazing ideas for new projects!

If you are like me and always looking for inspiration on how to spend your free time, check out  You will not be disappointed.  Even if you are not the hobby hopping type, the pictures are beautiful and it beats the heck out of creeping facebook all day!

So browse, pin and be inspired!

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