Creating Traditions with a Pirate Party

Jan 28, 2013 | Blog

A few weeks ago I was indulging in one of my many addictions, book shopping,  and I stumbled across a book called “The Happiness Project“.   I had no intention of buying  this book.  For one thing, I like fiction novels, and for another, I am not unhappy in any way.   I do have a book store routine though, and as a creature of habit, I went directly to the “Heather’s Pick” table.  Unfortunately, I had read ALL the books on that table, except of course for this one, and that shinny gold “Heather’s Pick” sticker made me buy the darn thing.

I don’t even think I took it out of the bag for the first week and it was at least another week after that before I made myself open it and read a few pages.  I was instantly pleasantly surprised! Even just reading the first few pages, I felt inspired and actually…happier. I am currently on chapter 3 I think…not sure exactly, it isn’t that type of “can’t put it down book”, it’s more like a good friend giving you great advice and words of wisdom.   Whatever chapter I’m on, she is talking about being more “in the moment” with your kids and taking time to create special traditions and memories.  She had a great idea in the book called a “Pirate Dinner” where you put down newspaper and eat right off the table, no dishes, no cutlery.  I loved this idea and decided to give it a try.

Well, alright, I will be honest.  I couldn’t do the no dishes thing, but I did take it another step and dig out our old pirate Halloween costumes! I also printed out free pirate printables and we had a pirate treasure hunt after dinner!

The girls coloured treasure maps while I stuck some finger foods in the oven.  They were super excited and even Mommy, Daddy and Milo dressed up!

All of the printables I found on Pinterest and they were all free! I will include some links below.

I loved this so much, I decided to make “theme night” a weekly Wednesday event! I think “Princess Party” is next week and I am sooo excited about it!

So here are some of the printables I found. Enjoy your very own Pirate Dinner Party and create some fun traditions with your family.

Play like a Pirate


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