* NEW* Organizing Ideas and Tips for Ladybugs

May 12, 2022 | YouTube

Are you a Ladybug Organizer? In this video, I share the best tips and ideas for Ladybugs!
A Ladybug is a Hidden and Macro (non-detailed) home organizer. You want to hide away your everyday things and have them stored in simple, broad categories. For you, it’s all about fast and easy clean up!

Check out The Minimal Mom for Ladybug inspiration: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeLICYOqHfIrfSAQq1TT7PA

Check out this Ladybug Pinterest Board: https://www.pinterest.ca/ClutterBug_Me/ladybug-organization/

Watch the rest of the Clutterbug series here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzglswYcXP2hVKI4eTVn-bVBXO4Bmr6hR

#organize #clutterbug #ladybug

Did you know I have a podcast? https://clutterbug.me/podcast

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