Decluttering these 25 Things for Less Stress NOW!

Jan 28, 2025 | Decluttering Tips, YouTube

Here are 25 things I am decluttering from my home and life in 2025. For me, this isn’t just about finding things to get rid of, it’s striving for a clutter-free home so I can have less stress, less mess, and more time and more self-love. 

Personal Care & Beauty

  1. Lotions & Beauty Products: Be honest—how many half-used bottles of lotion do you have? If it’s sticky, smells weird, or didn’t wow you, toss it.
  2. Old Mascara: If it’s dried out, clumpy, or you can’t remember when you bought it, it’s time to say goodbye.
  3. Unworn Clothes: If it’s been in your closet for over a year and you haven’t worn it, it’s probably not your style anymore.
  4. Clothes That No Longer Fit: Keeping those jeans that haven’t fit in years? Let them go and embrace the size you are now.
  5. Unworn Shoes: If they pinch, flop, or just don’t go with anything you wear anymore, it’s time to give them the boot.

Home Organization

  1. Mismatched Socks: Pair them up if you can. If not, it’s time to toss those single socks and free yourself from the frustration.
  2. Excess Home Décor: That vase you never display or wall art you’ve outgrown? Pass it along and make room for pieces you truly love.
  3. Duplicate Tools: Do you really need three tape measures? Keep one of each tool and donate or sell the extras.
  4. Old Towels & Linens: If they’re scratchy or threadbare, let them go. Many animal shelters will happily take them.
  5. Extra Bins & Baskets: Unused organizing supplies can easily become clutter themselves. Donate the ones that aren’t being put to good use.

Kitchen Clutter

  1. Expired Pantry Items: Toss spices and canned goods that are past their prime or unrecognizable.
  2. Unused Kitchen Utensils: If you have multiples of the same tool (looking at you, spatulas), keep your favorites and donate the rest.
  3. Unhealthy Junk Food: If no one in your house likes it or it’s been sitting untouched for months, toss it guilt-free.

Hobbies & Interests

  1. Unused Craft Supplies: If you’ve been holding onto materials for a project you’ll never start, let them go. Someone else might find inspiration in them.
  2. Unfinished Projects: Either commit to finishing that knitting or DIY project this weekend or admit it’s not happening and move on.
  3. Books You’ll Never Read Again: Be honest—are you really going to reread that novel? Donate it and make room for something new.

Tech & Digital

  1. Cords & Cables: That mystery cord you’ve been saving for “just in case”? If you don’t know what it’s for, let it go.
  2. Unused Tech Devices: Old phones, broken headphones, or outdated gadgets can be responsibly recycled to free up space.
  3. Unused Apps: Scroll through your phone and delete apps you haven’t touched in months. Your phone will feel lighter!
  4. Unused Subscriptions: Take a few minutes to check for forgotten subscriptions and cancel the ones you’re not using.

Sentimental & Miscellaneous

  1. Promotional Freebies: That random mug or pen from a conference? If it’s not adding value, donate or recycle it.
  2. Gift Bags & Wrapping Supplies: Keep the nice ones and toss the wrinkled or torn ones to tidy your stash.
  3. Old Notes & To-Do Lists: Outdated planners, sticky notes, and scribbled ideas are just cluttering your desk and mind. Toss them.
  4. Sentimental Items Without Meaning: Not every sentimental item needs to stay forever. Let go of anything that doesn’t truly spark joy.
  5. Broken Items: If it’s been broken and unfixed for months, it’s likely time to toss it. Let go of the guilt and make room for working items.

Ready for more Decluttering Ideas? 

 📝   DOWNLOAD THE FREE 24 ITEMS TO DECLUTTER GUIDE” for even more items you can say goodbye to! 

JOIN THE FREE 30 DAY DECLUTTER CHALLENGE and transform your home in just 5 mins. a day!


1. Roomba:
2. Tidy Tote:
3. Spray Mop:
4. Dusting Wand:

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Podcast Channel on Youtube: @ClutterbugPod

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