Banker Boxes- The perfect storage box for any budget

Mar 26, 2010 | Blog, Toy Organization

So a blog about Banker Boxes may seem incredibly boring (my husband would surely agree), but I’m excited about them and hopefully, when you are done reading this, you will be too!
Banker Boxes have come a long way from the ugly brown ones used to store mountains of paperwork in offices around the world. They now come in fun colours and beautiful designs to match any decor. Before you start rolling your eyes, just hear me out. These wonderful storage tools are the perfect size for almost every shelving unit. Just try putting a Rubbermaid tote on a regular shelf, never going to happen. Banker Boxes are so light weight and durable they can hold a tonne of stuff and still be easily carried. They even have built in little handles!
I love the look of shelves filled from top to bottom with the same storage containers giving a nice, clean, unified look. You can achieve this look with baskets or canvas totes as well, but they can be pricey and most do not have lids so you can see clutter inside on lower shelves. Seriously, what else are you going to find for under $3 that is pretty, has a lid and fits like a glove on every type of shelving unit? Nothing…
You can find pretty Banker Boxes at Wal-Mart and Staples has some nice ones too. These ones pictured here are from Staples.
If you want a more custom look banker boxes can easily be painted any colour to match your decor. You can also cover them with pretty wallpaper for a gorgeous, custom and inexpensive storage solution. Check out Jeri’s Organizing and Decluttering News for tips on painting Banker Boxes.
We don’t have a garage so all of my husband’s tools and other household fixin’ up stuff are stored in our laundry room. Banker Boxes make this small space super organized! Banker boxes hold all of your small items neatly and make them easy to access. We have a box for cords (if you don’t have a cord box for extension cords, extra phones cords, office cords etc. you’re crazy), tape and glue, nails and screws, car care stuff, electrical stuff, plumbing stuff, gloves and safety glasses…well, you get the idea… Banker Boxes also have the handy spot on the front to write what is inside… best storage solution ever I think!
I also turned an old armoire into a hobby centre and I use Banker Boxes for different paint and scrapbooking supplies… I know, you get the point…. O.K…. I’m done.. right after this…
Use them for toys, craft supplies, office supplies, paperwork (did I mention they hold hanging file folders like a dream?), tools, magazines, books…seriously, I am stopping now…..

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