Start Here.
“So…Where Do I Begin?” This is probably the most common question I get asked through email, social media, and messages of all kinds. “How do I begin the process of getting organized?”
While I have MANY resources on YouTube, my website, and every social media venue, I thought it might be time to assemble a ‘GO TO MANUAL’ for people who are really serious about getting from where they are to where they want to be:

Step 1: Start with the clutter
Having a clean and organized home always starts with decluttering. Here’s a video with some quick advice to get us started.
Start with empty bottles, expired food, paper, old to-do lists, receipts, it can be anything! Every little bit adds up.
Step 2: 30 Day Declutter Challenge
Not sure where to look next? Join me as we go through our homes one area at a time to kick clutter to the curb in bite-sized chunks!
I know, 30 days seems like a lot! We break it down and organize one space for just 15 minutes a day.
Step 3: What’s your organizing style?
Have you ever tried an organizing system and failed? Well, chances are the system failed because it wasn’t designed for you! Let’s fix that.
Step 4: Guided Organization
In less than an hour I’ll walk you step by step through the organizing process. We’ll also discuss how to easily combine different organizing styles under one roof!