What Clutterbug are you? Identify your Organizing Style- Butterfly

Mar 27, 2010 | Bedroom, Blog, Cleaning Tips, Closets, Kitchen, Toy Organization, What ClutterBug Are You?

So, awhile back I had this big idea to start an organizing business that would help people identify their own unique organizing style and offer tools that would work best based on that style. Well, it’s on the backburner until after my children are both in school full time, so this blog is sort of tiding me over in the meantime.
That does mean however I can practice on all of you (which right now is no one, but I’m optimistic :)). I’m going to short hand this so you can quickly identify your organizing style and get some quick tips to help with your organizing issues… ready???
Basically their are 5 different organizing styles. You are probably a mixture of a few different ones, but try to identify with the one that matches your main organizational challenge. Each day for the next five days I will talk about one particular style and today it is:
The Butterfly– You know you are a butterfly if you are surrounded by your possessions. Of course everyone has clutter, but butterflies tend to just have stuff lying everywhere. You like to see what you have and unfortunately, often times when something is out of sight, it’s also out of mind. Butterflies are usually visual learners and are attracted to colours and patterns. Butterflies have difficulty parting with items, often thinking they may be useful someday. Cleaning a room usually means items get moved from one room to another, or packed into totes and stored away. Your biggest issue is just finding a place for things where you can see them and easily get to them.
Here are your helpful tips – HAVE A LANDING PLACE AT YOUR FRONT DOOR (yes, I was yelling). Mail, coats, shoes, keys, backpacks, purses, shopping bags… if these thing end up on your kitchen counter, floor or couch, you need a proper landing place.
Hooks, hooks and more hooks for butterflies. Every door should have hooks on the back and put hooks in closets and by your front door too.
Totes should be clear and have no tops on them. Don’t use blue Rubbermaid tote unless they are CLEARLY LABELED. If you prefer baskets, have them on a shelf low enough so you can see inside or they will never get used properly.
Drawers DO NOT work for you. You need open storage. Get shelving units with clear or brightly coloured containers (you tend to remember by colour and pattern). You will know that toys go in red, important papers in blue etc.
Invest is shelving units for almost every room. They do not have to be expensive, but to keep items off your floor, couches and counter tops, you need open storage.
Vertical file folders work great for sorting your office papers. You can also use colour coded hanging file folders, but remember to use an open file system on top of your desk or some place easily accessible.
Consider taking the doors off your closets if you find you are not hanging clothes in them. You will use them more if you can see inside. Invest in hanging sweater holders. They are less than $10 each and can be purchased just about anywhere. You will use these much more than you will drawers and they can be used for much more than just clothing.
You have too much stuff. As hard as it is to do, you need to get rid of some of your things. Have a friend help you with the big tasks like spare bedrooms (aka storage rooms) or your basement. For the smaller jobs, try to do a little everyday. Perhaps each night before bed choose two items of clothing to donate and put in a bag in your room. When the bag is full, take it to GoodWill.
Hope this was helpful. Not a butterfly? Visit me tomorrow to see if you are a Ladybug!

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