15 great reasons to buy a Labeler!

Jul 16, 2010 | Blog, Toy Organization

I have a few gadgets around my home that make my life easier..aka..allow me to be extra lazy….I am in no way a gadget person, I am actually quiet technically challenged, but these few things I could not live without.

My ipod touch. This thing is my pocket computer and so much more. I check email and Facebook in a flash, read the news, send texts, listen to music, check the weather, watch videos, play games and keep the kids entertained at doctors offices and other boring places… The world in my pocket for only $200!

My Roomba. I have no idea why anyone would push around a vacuum when a robot can do it for you…and do a much better job! My home gets vacuumed at least three times a day and I never have to do a thing! Clean, dust free, pet hair free home for only $100!

My Xbox…no, I don’t play video games but my husband has set it up to stream videos off the computer so we can watch any movie or any kids show with the push of a button. Who needs cable when you can watch anything you want off your computer for free? We are getting an apple tv so we can start streaming high def! Your own personal Blockbuster for only $150!
Lastly, my labeler. Not nearly as cool and flashy as my other gadgets, but super practical. I have had mine for 8 years and it still works great and I use it all the time. Here are 15 uses for this $50 organizers best friend.

1. Label files in your office quick and easy
2. Prices for garage sale items look clean and professional
3. Label toys and things around your home to help your preschooler learn to read by associating the word with the object
4. Label your leftovers with the date so you never have to wonder if you’ll die if you eat that again!
5. Label freezer items so you never have to say WTF is this?
6. Label your kids clothes with the fabric iron on tape for your labeler.
7. Label kids toys that they take to friends house and to school with name and phone number
8. Label shelving in storage area so everything always goes back in the right spot
9. Label the outside of totes with a list of everything inside so you never have to wonder, what the heck is in here anyways?
10. Label inside of books with your name so friends remember who to return it to. They peel right off without ruining your book!
11. Label your answering machine code to the back of your phone so babysitters and even your kids will never forget.
12. Label outside of binders
13. Label back of remote with easy instructions for guests and those family members who just can’t figure out which buttons to push to turn on your 5 different audio/video equipment!
14. Label different cubes or baskets for each of your family members “lost” stuff. Have them empty their baskets every Friday.
15. Label your label maker with your name so no other family members play with your toy!

Of course there are millions of other uses for this great gadget, but you get the idea. I have the Dymo tag from Staples and I really like it.

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