5 minutes a day keeps clutter away

Aug 10, 2010 | Blog, Kitchen

So I know my last post was all about getting outside, but let’s get real…it is way too hot out today! Instead I cranked the A/C and tried to find something to do in between reading stories, making food and wiping bums!

I settled on blogging…

I decided to post a daily 5 minute task everyday for the next 30 days. Let’s call it the 30 day clutter-free countdown!

Day One: Set up a mail system. At your front door, on your kitchen counter or in your office set a basket or file folder or even a Kleenex box with the top cut off! This is were your mail goes as soon as you come in! Have a recycling box or shredder nearby for envelopes and junk mail. Already have a system for this? Spend the 5 minutes going through it to make bills are paid and file anything that needs to be filed.

I need a life, eh? I know.

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