I had a request for a video test to see “how organized your home is” and so I decided to do a written blog too. Lets face it, I’m running out of crap to blog about! So here we go, check out the eight questions below and see how organized your home is…or isn’t. I’m not judging you and no one but you will know how you score!
1. Is your bathroom counter filled with products? Do they sometimes fall in your sink or off the side?
2. Would it take you more then 1 hour to tidy up your entire home? This doesn’t include cleaning, just picking up toys, putting away clothes, putting away papers etc.
3. Do you lose something once a week? Do you have to look for your keys, wallet, cell phone or something else in your home at least once a week?
4. Do you have dirty clothes on the floor?
5. Are you ever late paying your bills?
6. Do you have a place for your receipts and warranties? A place where the whole family puts them so you never have to say “I can’t find that receipt”?
7. Would you be mortified about the state of your home if a friend or family member who had never been to your home stopped by unannounced?
8. Do you have stacks of paper in multiple rooms in your home? Stacks of bills, mail or other paperwork in your kitchen, livingroom and bedroom?
K. So here is your Day Six 5 minute tip: Organize your cleaning products and toss any you never use or are empty. Place the ones you use from room to room into a container with a handle and keep the bathroom and kitchen basics under the bathroom and kitchen sink.