The benefits of organization

Sep 23, 2010 | Blog, Cleaning Tips

Could it be that my crazy anxiety over company coming over is finally going away? We are having a little birthday party for my girls this Saturday and I am not feeling the usual panic and need to scrub every inch of my home. I have noticed a steady decline in my craziness and I think it is directl related to my efforts over the past few months to get organized. Having a more organized home has done more then just make it easier to find things, it has made cleaning the house take a fraction of the time, I have more time to do hobbies and my anxiety has drastically improved! I have a long way to go and my home is nowhere near perfectly organized, but it has changed enough to notice a huge improvement in my life.

I will probably always be a freak and clean before people come over, but at least the anxiety will be gone and I can say that a quick dust and vaccumm are “good enough”(except for that one person for whom I will always scrub with a toothbrush for)!

Tonight I’m going to bake a cake and freeze it and then do….nothing! Im having a Grey’s night despite company coming! This feeling is motivation enough to keep working towards a truly organized home!!

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