Make a Back To School Notebook and Time Capsule

Nov 5, 2010 | Back-to-School, Blog

It’s not too late to preserve this school years memories! I just made mine yesterday, and I had to back track a little bit, but Izzy will never know! Now I feel great knowing I am recording memories for her without having to spend hours scrapbooking or lots of money doing it!

Today I’m making a time capsule for my toddlers! It is fast and fun way to make foot and hand prints, record their favourite things and make notes on their development. I will also have a great comparison and be able to see how much they’ve changed a year from now! From now on I will be making one every year on their birthdays!!

This of course was not my idea! I stole it from Kristine McKay, who is my new hero and inspiration! You can download your own free copy and put together your “Back to School Notebook” and “Time Capsule” by clicking this link TIME CAPSULE.  

I promise you it will not take you more then an hour (unless you’re super crafty and spend more time on it on purpose) and you’ll have beautiful memories preserved for your children!

Check out more great ideas from KMckayDesigns by checking out her website or youtube channel!

Today I’ll make the pages for my TODDLER TIME CAPSULE and add them tomorrow!

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