My Household Notebook

Jan 11, 2011 | Blog, Kitchen

Before I actually had a Household Notebook of my own, I never really saw the need for one.  I’m not the type of person who uses a daily planner and that is exactly what I thought a Household Notebook was, a glorified planner for Moms with too much time on their hands….I was so wrong.

My planner is my most beloved organizing tool…well, alright, perhaps tied with my dozens of pretty baskets.  I use mine to house all my daughters school papers, medical information, important and family contact numbers and addresses, tickets and extracurricular activity information, receipts and of course take out menus and coupons! All this in one half inch binder!  Just yesterday I added a babysitter instruction page and a month by month list of family members birthdays and anniversaries. Where did I put all these things before I had my binder? I know where, shoved in drawers, baskets and on my kitchen counter or fridge door. All of these things before were one word, clutter. More often then not it was misplaced clutter at that. Searching for receipts, having to call and say I forgot when my appointment was “again” and tearing my house apart searching for theatre tickets I knew I put in a “good spot” are a thing of the past.

Make your own binder today! Below are some links for some free printables from some amazing sites.    

Organized Home Free Printable Pages

Tip Junkie Subscribe to get her Free Printables

Make it, Use it, Love it. This small thing will have such a huge impact on your home.  Happy Organizing.

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