Are you a Butterfly?

Feb 23, 2011 | Closets, What ClutterBug Are You?

A Butterfly is a very visual person and likes to see all their belongings for fear of “Out of Sight, Out of Mind”.  Unfortunately, it just isn’t feasible to leave all of our things out, all of the time. You are probably a Butterfly if you have clothing on top of your dresser and on the floor but your closet and drawers are practically empty. Butterflies are often overwhelmed with the idea of organizing and therefore put off starting big projects.  A Butterfly must be careful not to overrun their home with clutter which steals their time, energy and can have a negative impact of those they love.

There are many ways a Butterfly can be organized with everything in it’s place without the fear of forgetting where something is. Here are some tips just for the Butterflies:

  • Coloured and Clear Bins are perfect for you! Keep the lids off so you are more likely to use them. By keeping your organizing solutions clear or colourful you will be much more likely to use them! Consider red bins for crafts, blue for office supplies or all clear bins so you can always see what is inside.
  • Label, Label, Label. You can use words or pictures to label your bins and baskets so you always have a visual reminder of what is inside. Use clearly labeled baskets for mail, clothing, office supplies, paperwork and just about everything else.
  • Butterflies are easily distracted by the clutter.  Have a friend or family member help you with your bigger organizing projects  to keep you on track.
  • Use the 4 sort method when organizing any space. Have 4 labeled or colour coded baskets, bags or boxes handy. One for Trash, One for Donate, One for Does Not Belong, and One for Keep. This will help you stay focused and make purging your items easier.
  • Have a clear vision for your space. Take a before picture of the mess right now and then find a picture in a magazine of what you want your space to look like. Hang both of these in your room somewhere for a visual reminder and motivation.
  • A 21 item toss every month is a great way for Butterflies to purge.
  • Schedule organizing time.  Schedule in 15 minutes each day and work on one small part of your space. Try to pick the same time everyday, like right after the kids go to bed.
  • Hooks are a Butterflies best friend! Hang hooks in your entrance way, inside your closet and on the back of doors!
  • Open shelving works well for you! Take advantage of vertical space and get stuff off your floor!
  • Remember, stuff is just stuff. Don’t put your belongings above your family or yourself.

Organizing your space will actually make it easier for you to find your things as well as save you money, improve your health and reduce you and your family’s stress.  When you take something out, try to remember to put it back right away when you are done. “Later” should be a word you remove from your vocabulary!

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