Spring Cleaning Time

Apr 7, 2011 | Blog, Cleaning Tips

Ugh! I love spring, but I hate spring cleaning.  Unfortunately, there are household tasks that need to get done at least once a year and by grouping all those together and calling it “spring cleaning” you can get it all over in one shot!

A few of the tasks I hate the most are cleaning behind the fridge and stove, cleaning the gutters and washing windows.  Some of you may be thinking, so why even bother? My answer is simply this.  If you care about your home, you need to take care of it.  Your home is more than just a place to rest your head, it is your biggest investment and a reflection of you and your family.   It is so easy to put things off, but before you know it housework can get ontop of you and your home can start to get run down.

Spring cleaning is more than just cleaning the nitty gritty stuff, it is also about home maintenance.  Take the time to check and replace caulking, reattach loose baseboards, change batteries in smoke detectors and just generally giving your home a checkup!

I like to get everything done in the month of April, so this month is really busy for me! In order to get everything done without feeling overwhelmed or taking time away from my family, I schedule a task a day for the entire month! Each task takes less than an hour to complete and some are only a few minutes!

Here is a copy of my April Spring Cleaning Calendar

If you’d rather tackle your Spring Cleaning tasks in one weekend of hard work and elbow grease, here is a copy of my Cas’ Spring Cleaning Checklist for inspiration and motivation!

And here is yet another SPRING CLEANING CHECKLIST I found on the internet..I stink at giving credit where credit is due…I simply cannot remember where I found this  🙁

And don’t forget, not is the perfect time to PURGE, PURGE, PURGE as we get into the beginning of YARD SALE SEASON! YEAH!

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