Thank goodness for online shopping

Nov 25, 2011 | Blog, Toy Organization

Working from home has introduced me to the dangerous and glorious world of online shopping.  With a click, click here and a click, click there – you can easy spend your way into trouble without even realizing it, but you can also save time and money.

I’ve been stressing about Christmas this year, well to be honest, every year since before I can remember.  I’ll say it, I hate Christmas.  This years is particularly bad because as of yesterday, I hadn’t even begun to shop.  Today being Black Friday, there are deals everywhere and a great opportunity to dive into the holiday madness head first, but who wants to crave the crowds or the lines?

So here I am, Black Friday shopping on my couch, with a hot chocolate.  Not only did I get all of my daycare kids a gift at 50% off, but I got a few gifts for my girls and nieces as well.  Toys R Us is having the mother of all sales today and they have free shipping for online orders (over a certain amount)!

I decided to get gifts for my niece and nephew in Nova Scotia too. I always put off mailing their gifts and then panic at the last minute and pay double for the express shipping.  Not this year, I was able to gift wrap, include a note and ship their gifts RIGHT TO THEIR DOOR for less than it would cost me to ship Canada Post.  OMG I am loving online shopping!

Maybe I’m lazy, but I’ll take  shopping from my couch curled up with a blanket by the fire over a crowded mall anyday!



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