The Hunger Games Giveaway!

Mar 13, 2012 | Blog

I loved the [easyazon_link identifier=”B0075N4OK2″ locale=”US” tag=”clutterbug07-20″]Hunger Games Trilogy[/easyazon_link].  Loved it in a crazy-obsessed, stayed up all night reading, kinda way.

I loved it so much that I want to share it with you!  I’m giveaway a copy of the book to one of you! All you have to do is comment on this post, or on my facebook page, or on my Youtube vlog!

Joe will randomly pick one of you this Friday, March 16th and I will buy it and ship it to you via Amazon!

All I ask is that you pass it on to friends and family when you’re done reading it.  This is a book meant to share!

Good luck!  To visit my facebook page click HERE

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