Are you a Clean Freak?

Jul 10, 2012 | Blog, Cleaning Tips

Last night I received an email from a very nice lady representing a MAJOR CABLE NETWORK! Yeah, I was geeked.  She is the casting director for a new show about people obsessed with cleaning and organizing!

While I do get a major buzz from organizing my sock drawer, I just don’t think I’m clean freak enough to apply to be on the show.  I mean, I love having a clean house, but my marriage, kids and my sleep come first!   And lets face it, with anywhere from two to eight little ones running around my house, keeping it clean and spotless all the time is an impossible task.

So what about you? Are you hooked on housework? Do you spend hours a day dusting, polishing and vacuuming the house?  YOU SHOULD APPLY!  Email them a brief description of yourself and tell them why you would be great for the show!  Don’t forget to include a photo of yourself!

Email [email protected]


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