Our Bedroom Update

Apr 3, 2013 | Bedroom, Blog, Cleaning Tips

Most of us often neglect our Master Bedroom.  We tend to focus on the rooms in our home that company actually sees, like the living room, and leave our personal space as a last priority.

Unfortunately, our bedroom is the last room we spend time in before bed and the first room that greets us when we wake up.  The state of our bedroom can really set the tone for our mood for the entire day!

Think about your master bedroom. Is it relaxing? Do you enjoy spending time in there?

You don’t have to spend a lot of money to make your Master Bedroom a dreamy retreat.  Keeping it clean and clutter free is 90% of the battle! No one wants to wake up and have piles of “to do’s” staring at them!

I try and make our Master Bedroom a priority in my daily cleaning routine. (by cleaning, I mean tidying, I really need to CLEAN my house…but that’s another post).

A big part of that means making my bed every morning (such a pain but  the 1 minute it takes is worth it).


I can’t make a decent bed to save my life.  Seriously.  Tucking in the sheets? Nope. I just pull up the blankets and toss on throw pillows.  Throw pillows make any bed look nice 🙂

We took a trip to Ikea this past weekend, and I must say, I was in heaven.  I love that store.  All of the storage options are so versatile and can be modified and adapted to fit every room in your house!

We were originally looking for end tables for our bedroom and perhaps a new coffee table for downstairs, but then I saw this really cool media storage and I knew I had to have it as a bench at the end of our bed.


Yes, this bench is meant for a television, but I think it totally works at the end of the bed! And for $199, it’s an inexpensive storage solution!


Check out my new mirror! I just bought a cheap $10 mirror from Target and then added this peel and stick wall art to it!

I love having fresh flowers in my room, but they are expensive…and they die quickly.  These fake hydrangeas make me happy and for under $10, they last FOREVER!


I got this very inexpensive electric fireplace off Kijiji.ca last year.  It makes a perfect media stand for the television!  The best part? I can turn on the fake fire and just have the flames with no heat or I can turn the heat on for some added bedroom warmth.  It was less than I would have spent on a media stand and I LOVE having a fireplace in my bedroom!

Make your bedroom a priority. You don’t have to spend money, simply by cleaning and organizing it and making the bed your room will look and feel so much more relaxing and peaceful.

You deserve to have a beautiful bedroom!  A space of your very own (well, alright, your husband can sleep in there too I guess).



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