Personalize your next party!

Mar 10, 2014 | Bathroom, Blog

We are not big wine drinkers, but even I was excited about this tip! My sister mentioned seeing this at a local wine store and I couldn’t wait to try it out!


Sharpie makes these amazing paint markers that can be used on practically any material! The water based ones are my particular favourites because they dry nice and smudge free (no rubbing off like dry erase) on glass, but easily wipe off with water and a cloth!


Of course these are amazing for marking everyones glasses at your next party, but they also can be used for a whole host of other sweet messages on your hubby’s coffee mug or reminders on the bathroom mirror!


Click the link below to get  set for yourself, they are so inexpensive and the uses are endless!

[easyazon_infoblock align=”none” identifier=”B001K3G0V4″ locale=”US” tag=”clutterbug07-20″]

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