Organize Kids Clothes with Freezer Bags

May 1, 2014 | Bathroom, Blog, Closets, For Kids, Organizing Tips

kids clothes

Our mornings usually go pretty smoothly. That is actually saying a lot, as I am not a morning person. Like, at all. I get up at the LAST possible minute and then rush to get out the door on time. Every.Single.Morning.

So how is it that our mornings run smoothly? Well, I always have lunches made the night before, back packs packed and our closets are already organized into outfits for easy choosing. That being said, we do have our occasional hiccup.  Sometimes Abby (5) loses her mind because she can’t find socks that match perfectly and sometimes Izzy (7) grabs an outfit that is obviously two sizes too small and she ends up looking like she is wearing capris instead of pants.

These little hiccups can sometimes be what makes or breaks us getting to the bus stop on time.  Now, I could get up earlier, but I’d rather just organize to solve these problems and enjoy the extra five minutes of sleep everyday!

Enter…..FREEZER BAGS! Yep. Freezer bags have solved my morning problems! Well, bags and some 3M hooks.  Now when I am putting away the girls clothes, I match socks to the outfit, add underwear and let them choose a matching hair accessory.  It all gets put in a large ziplock bag that has been labeled for the days of the week.  The bags get hung on the clothes hanger, along with the outfits and VOLIA, no more clothing crisis in the morning!

Organize Kids Clothes

We used 3M hooks to hang an outfit for each day of the week on the back of the door. The zip lock bags have some days of the week labels glued to them and we use them over and over again!

We put ours on the back of the door so the kids don’t have the urge to go rouge and pick another outfit from the closet! Each night, we put the next days outfit in the bathroom so they just get up and have everything all ready to go!

You can download the labels for free and print them out for your own kids clothing here:  DAYS OF THE WEEK LABELS


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