Haunted Mad Hatter Tea Party

Oct 28, 2014 | Blog

This Halloween our family is dressing up as the characters from Alice in Wonderland!

Izzy is Alice, Abby is the Queen of Hearts, Milo is The White Rabbit, I am the Cheshire Cat, Joe is The Mad Hatter and my parents are the Queen’s card guards.

For Halloween dinner, we are having a Haunted Mad Hatter Tea Party all dressed up in our costumes! I am sooooo excited. I love theme dinner night!


All of the decorations, plates, glasses and cutlery on the table were purchased from Dollarama, our local dollar store, and came in at a grand total of $16.00!


I have LOTS of leftovers to next year too!

DSC00485This AMAZING tea pot was $2.00 from Value Village! With a little paint marker to cover the hideous pink flowers and the addition of a dollar store skull necklace, this bargain find was transformed into a terrifically terrifying tea pot!


These amazing  vintage looking “Drink Me” and “Eat Me” printables really make it an Alice in Wonderland tea party!

My kids are so excited to put on their costumes and have a Haunted Mad Hatter Tea Party, and so am I!

What are your Halloween traditions?

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