Blogging and Social Media Workshops

Jan 30, 2016 | Blog

I am currently teaching two workshops at my local community college. Many of the students have requested a copy of the presentation, so that that can review the information at their own leisure.  I have included links to both the “Social Media Marketing” and the “How to Blog” workshops below.

These presentations were designed in Prezi and are much too large to include in an email.   Click the link below and then watch the presentation from Prezi on your computer. 

These files will only remain on my site for the next 48 hours, after that time I will be offering these workshops as online courses that will be available for a small fee.

Social Media Marketing

How to Blog

You can also download the PDF versions (they are pretty big files):


Social Media Marketing Notes

If you have any other questions, please feel free to email me at [email protected]

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