How to find your passion!

Apr 6, 2016 | Bedroom, Blog

When I was a kid, I loved rearranging my bedroom furniture over and over again and I have so many memories of me trying to fashion new curtains from my mom’s old table cloths.   I loved to draw, paint and make sculptures with my playdough!  When I wasn’t zoned out in front of the television (which was way too often), being creative was how I chose to spend my free time.


As an only child, I was pretty much alone 24/7 and one of my favourite games to play was “Imagination Station”.  This “game” was me in front of my mirror, with a hairbrush, pretending I was the host of my own show.  I would report the news, make up stories or just talk about my day….to myself…in front of a mirror.   Back then, there certainly wasn’t anything like “YouTube” around, we didn’t even own a computer, let alone have the internet!


Fast forward to my young adult years and I discovered a love of all things interior design.  I was broke, like dirt poor kind of broke, but I’d eat ramen noodles just to be able to buy myself a new throw pillow or lamp every paycheck.  I was also addicted to home decor shows and my absolute favourites were “Clean Sweep” and “Neat”, which were organizational makeover shows. 

If you were to ask me then what my passion was, I would have said “I don’t have one”.  Honestly, it wasn’t until a few years ago that I even realized I had a passion.  I always assumed a passion was something you had to be good at and quite frankly, I am not really good at anything.

Now I know that passion doesn’t equal talent, it is simply a love of something.  I love decorating, crafting and organizing and when I look back on my childhood, it was my always passion, even as a small child.  I’m not great at those things, but I love them and sometimes, that is enough to turn your passion into a career.


Now I get to play “Imagination Station” in front of my camera (from the comfort of my own home) talking about all the things I love most in the world and I get PAID to do it.  I’m not the best organizer, decorator or crafter, but that doesn’t matter.  The only thing that matters is that I love it and my love and passion shines through to my subscribers.

So, what is your passion?  If you are not sure, the best way to find out is to turn off the TV!  Commit to an entire week of no television and no internet surfing (totally included gaming, sorry).  Sound impossible? I promise you, it will be worth it! Just 7 days unplugged is enough time for you to really find out what it is you love doing most. 

Maybe it is reading, writing or gardening.  Maybe you love doing yoga or going for a hike!  Find your passion and don’t worry about whether you are good at it or not.  Once you have identified what your passion is, make sure you schedule yourself time for it each and everyday!

Who knows, maybe someday you can even turn that passion into a career!

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