Jul 27, 2018 | Organizing Tips, YouTube

Let’s get organized!
I’m writing my third book, and I REALLY want to include your photos! Please send me photos of your organized spaces to be featured in my next book. Not only will you be helping and inspiring thousands of people, but I will send you a signed copy of my book AND include you and your blog or Youtube channel in the photo credits.

So email your photos to: [email protected]

Thanks a million!

Order my NEW BOOK now and get over 100+ FREE organizing printables, checklists, planning pages, labels and MORE! https://clutterbug.me/clutteredmess

Follow me on my other social media sites here:

Blog: https://clutterbug.me
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Clutterbug.Me/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/clutterbug_me/
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/ClutterBug_Me

Don’t forget to subscribe to my channel for new organizing videos every week! #howtoorganize #clutterbug #organizingideas

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