Back-to-School is just eleven days away, and yes, I’m counting them down!
My kids are amazing little humans, but every year, the transition back-to-school is rough on them..and me. When they finally drag themselves off the bus after six hours at school, they act as though they’ve been doing hard labour all day.
Exhausted, whinny and starving – this is how my kids come home from school. So instead of fighting them, I give them each an hour to rest and recharge their battery before they have to do any after school homework or chores.
Instead of nagging my kids, I’ve made a checklist. They have to complete everything on the checklist, before bed, but I let them manage their own time. Sometimes this backfires and they don’t get it all done, which usually means they are grounded from screens for the next 24 hours. No screen time is the worst punishment I could give in our house, so my kids usually complete the list to make sure this never happens.
Want to try this school day checklist for your family? I’ve made a few different colours for you to choose from!