Declutter the Kitchen – Week 2- Hug your Home Challenge!

Jan 7, 2019 | Blog, Hug Your Home Challenge

It’s week two of our Hug Your Home Challenge and this week we are decluttering the kitchen! My kitchen used to be the space in my home that was always the most cluttered. Now, my kitchen is perpetually clean and tidy with minimal effort. My secret? I created homes for all of those items that used to get piled on my counters inside the drawers and cabinets in my kitchen.

Finding homes for the everyday clutter means having to declutter unused items from your cabinets. It also means relocating items that are rarely used to the garage or a storage room. Your kitchen is the most VALUABLE REAL ESTATE in your home and therefore shouldn’t be wasted on items that are only used a few times a year.

You can download your Kitchen Decluttering Checklist HERE.

If you missed last week’s BEDROOM DECLUTTERING challenge, you can find the video and FREE Printable HERE.

Stay tuned for next week’s challenge when we declutter the bathroom! You can follow along with the entire 12 week Hug Your Home Challenge by downloading the FREE PRINTABLE HERE.

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