You’re A Bee!
Love visual abundance and organizational abundance. You prefer to see your everyday used items instead of hiding them away. You are also a bit of a perfectionist and tend to pile items until you can put them away properly.
Love visual abundance and organizational abundance. You prefer to see your everyday used items instead of hiding them away. You are also a bit of a perfectionist and tend to pile items until you can put them away properly.

Bee Traits
A Bee is a visual person who often has a project on the go! Bees are very organized people, but they also prefer to “see” their important and frequently used items, rather than store them away in closets or containers. Bees also like to keep their tools, papers and other supplies out until they are finished the job, often piling them until they have a chance to put them away “properly”.
Bees almost always come with a lot of stuff. Whether it be exercise equipment, scrapbooking supplies, photographs, art supplies, books, cooking and baking utensils, woodworking materials, home improvement tools or any other supplies you use during your hobby, it can quickly take over your space.
Bee Organizing Tips & Ideas
Some suggestions for a Busy Bee? Learn to let go of perfection. It is better to start with a “good enough” organizing system (instead of piling), you can always come back and fine tune your systems later when you have more time. Secondly, try to have no more than 3 projects on the go at once. If you have had an unfinished project for a long time, it may be time to get rid of it all together and open yourself and your space up to new projects that you are more passionate about.
Bees are the master of good intentions, but there are only so many hours in a day and only so much we can reasonably get done. There also comes a point when we need to admit that even though something may be useful, it is taking away space that could be used for more important items. Here are some tips just for Bees:
- Peg board organizers work amazingly well for you.
- Clear bins, baskets and jars should be your go-to organizing system.
- Invest in shelving. You are visual, so open shelving is a must for you. Book cases are a Bee’s best friend.
- Learn to let go. Bees tend to keep things “just in case” they may need it someday. If you don’t love it and you haven’t used it in a year, get rid of it.
- Use project boxes. Have a box or basket with all the supplies you need for your current project. When you are done for the day, put the items back into the box until you can work on it again. This way your supplies are out of the way, but you don’t need to take everything out again to work on your project next time.

Learn More about the Different Styles
Hopefully, you have a better understanding of your natural organizing style, but the truth is, you can’t put everyone into just four categories. You may organize differently in different spaces, or you may be a bit of a combination of different organizing styles. The only thing that matters is understanding what works for you and why, so you can create a home that feels effortless to maintain.
I want to make organizing easy for you, so I’ve created a FREE eBook that will help you:
- Learn how to combine different organizing styles in the same home.
- See real-life examples of organizing solutions made just for you.
- Learn about all four organizing styles so you can help others get organized too.
Download your free copy by filling out the form below.
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