Borrow Some Motivation

by | May 2, 2018 | Blog, Cleaning Tips, Podcasts

I’ve been in a funk and the truth is, my lack of motivation is the reason why. I just don’t feel like working…or cleaning…or adulting in general. What I really want to do is spend my days watching Netflix in my jammies and eating my body weight in chocolate. Unfortunately, this only leads to even less motivation and even less happiness. It’s like I’m trapped on some insane funkified hamster wheel, the less I do, the less I feel like doing. The opposite is also true – the more I do, the more motivation I feel…and motivation brings all kinds of happy, energized awesomeness to my life.

If I really want to find my mojo again and bring back those life-loving feelings, I need to just step up and make it happen.

But how? How do we create motivation and force ourselves to do the things we know we should do, but just don’t want to. When we can’t create our own motivation, we need to borrow it from others. 

borrow some Motivation

Borrowing motivation, knowledge and inspiration is exactly what self-help gurus are all about! They are sharing it with us, sometimes even for free, all we need to do is reach out a take it.

This morning I took 7 minutes to watch a Tony Robbins video and as soon as it was done, I sprang out of bed! I felt motivated, inspired and excited to get to work. That is the power of self-help books, Ted Talks, podcasts and YouTube videos! They can lend us the life tools we are lacking and those tools stay in our own toolbox forever. Can watching a 7 minute really video change your life? Believe it or not, it absolutely can.  We get these little boosts from these inspiring and awesome people. We can absorb their energy and their knowledge…and when it starts to wane, we can simply watch another video or listen to another podcast.

For me, I have a few of my favourite self-help gurus…and I am all about audiobooks. At the bottom of this post, you’ll find links to a few books that literally changed my life and gave me incredibly important life tools for my own toolbox. Scroll to the bottom for a list of my all time favourite books. 

So, how else can we create our own motivation and crush our day, week and year? A simple to-do list. A list can motivate you to push yourself and accomplish so much more than you would without one. For me, a simple daily plan is the difference between a day in bed crushing Netflix, or a day spent crushing life.

Here is a link to a FREE printable with the daily planner that I use and love.

Free planning page

I also find priority planning an effective way to keep my ADHD brain on track. Here is a FREE Printable with the priority planner I love.

free planning printable

Here is my latest PODCAST which explains more in depth of how I borrow motivation and inspiration when I need it most.

And finally, a list of my fav self-help books! Let’s borrow some motivation today!

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