Cleaning Tips

Girl Power

There are so many great things that I love about having a blog and vlog. I love the wonderful comments I receive and I like feeling like I am doing something productive with my down time. There are some negatives though.  I get do get comments from people who ask how...

Windsor has taken a huge hit to our housing market over the past few years.  In some areas we have lost 10% of the value of our properties, which is a staggering number when you add to that 6% realtor fees. Despite this huge loss, we are still putting our home on the...

Body Clutter

I've been trying to stop stuffing my face for the past few months now and it is by far the most difficult thing I have ever tried to do. I see so many similarities between overeating and clutter.  I eat out of boredom and for that little rush of good feelings...

Spring Cleaning Time

Spring Cleaning Time

Ugh! I love spring, but I hate spring cleaning.  Unfortunately, there are household tasks that need to get done at least once a year and by grouping all those together and calling it "spring cleaning" you can get it all over in one shot! A few of the tasks I hate the...

Give your home an uplift this spring!

Give your home an uplift this spring!

I am guilty of severe home envy. Whenever I go to someones elses home I can't help but notice all the things I don't have, but wish I did. Perhaps it's because I'm a stay-at-home Mom, so my home is my everyday all day, but I think eveyone gets a little home envy from...

Organize your shoes

Organize your shoes

I get asked  how to organize shoes a lot. I mean, a lot. If your home lacks a good entrance way and you are forever tripping on shoes, I feel your pain.  I have also seen people with grand entrance ways with huge closets complete with shoe racks who still have shoes...

I have a secret…

I have a secret…

I do not like housework. I hate it actually. To tell the truth, the whole stay-at-home Mommy thing is the absolute last thing I EVER saw myself doing. My entire life I craved adventure, drama and freedom. I am the most impulsive adrenaline junkie I know.  Being a...

Professional Organizer Tips

Professional Organizer Tips

I have read and reread so many organizing books looking for easy tips and tricks to streamline and improve the function of my home. I most certainly am not a naturally organized person and it takes effort every single day to maintain some sense of order in my home.I...