
Are you ADDICTED to Procrastination?!

Are you ADDICTED to Procrastination?!

Did you know that procrastination is actually addicting?! Avoiding stressful situations (or hard work) actually releases a chemical in our brain that makes us feel good (for a fleeting moment). We can get ourselves hooked on this self-destructive behaviour without...

Declutter & Clean with a NEW Technique

Declutter & Clean with a NEW Technique

Are you looking for new inspiration and motivation to declutter and clean your home?! I got you! In today's podcast, I'll talk about a new method for looking at your home differently and decluttering and cleaning more than you ever have before!  I decluttered over...

The Housework Gender Gap – Why Do Women Clean More?!

The Housework Gender Gap – Why Do Women Clean More?!

Women have come a long way regarding overall equality, especially in the workplace. The wage gap between men and women continues to shrink every decade. For the past 20 years, women have exceeded men in college attendance and degrees. Forty-nine percent of employed...

The REAL Cost of Clutter – Featuring The Declutter Hub

The REAL Cost of Clutter – Featuring The Declutter Hub

Today we are discussing the REAL cost of your clutter, which may not be what you think! You deserve a clean and clutter-free home, and you can get there with a little self-love and a little decluttering.  Learn more from Ingrid and Lesley at The Declutter Hub here:...

Diagnosing ADHD in Adults with Dr. Heather Brannon

Diagnosing ADHD in Adults with Dr. Heather Brannon

Do you get distracted easily? Are you forgetful? Do you struggle with daily "adulting"? It's possible you have adult ADHD!  I am joined by the wonderful Dr. Heather Brannon, co-founder of Greenville ADHD Specialists.  Dr. Brannon explains and helps us understand what...

Hack Your Bad Habits

Hack Your Bad Habits

 Do you have a bad habit that is holding you back?  In today's podcast, I share five of my bad habits and how I've "hacked" them into more positive behaviour. Together, embrace our natural tendencies and turn those bad habits into better ones!   You can find more...

Overcome Overwhelm & Get Stuff Done!

Overcome Overwhelm & Get Stuff Done!

Let's talk about overcoming feeling so overwhelmed, we don't know where to start. When I feel overwhelmed by my never-ending to-do list (or life in general) I tend to "ostrich" - aka avoiding and procrastinating.  So how do we overcome those feelings and actually get...

The TRUTH and LIES about Home Organization

The TRUTH and LIES about Home Organization

In today's podcast, I'm joined by Kay from The Organized Soprano as we discuss the TRUTHS and the LIES about home organization. We dig deep into our insecurities as Professional Organizers, and we chat about how social media creates a false narrative about what it...