
How to Overcome your Inner Perfectionist

How to Overcome your Inner Perfectionist

Are you a perfectionist? Is your fear of failure causing you to procrastinate? Perfectionism can actually make your home messy and make your life way more complicated than it needs to be. In this podcast, I talk about how to overcome your inner perfectionist and...

Consistency is the KEY to Success!

Consistency is the KEY to Success!

Let me tell you, consistency is the MAGICAL SECRET behind success. Sure, hard work, talent and even some luck play a part...but for me, consistency is the one thing that has worked and continues to work for me. Take a listen to my latest podcast and take the 7 day...

Macro versus Micro Planning

Macro versus Micro Planning

What if I told you that you can get more done in less time SIMPLY by knowing yourself better? It's true. Planning is the secret to productivity, but in order to plan successfully, you need to know what planning style will work for your brain type! Are you a macro or a...

The Messy Myth Podcast

The Messy Myth Podcast

There is no such thing as a naturally messy person. You are not messy, you simply organize differently. Take a listen to this podcast as I share my insight into "The Messy Myth".

Borrow Some Motivation

Borrow Some Motivation

I've been in a funk and the truth is, my lack of motivation is the reason why. I just don't feel like working...or cleaning...or adulting in general. What I really want to do is spend my days watching Netflix in my jammies and eating my body weight in chocolate....