
What are Your Core Values??

What are Your Core Values??

Do you know what your core values are?  In today's podcast, I chat with fellow YouTuber Ronald L. Banks about all things minimalism and how having clear core values can help clarify and declutter your life.  Ronald shares how to identify your core values and get clear...

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly of Self-Help Books

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly of Self-Help Books

In today's podcast, I dive deep into the world of self-help books.  I talk about the books that have made a positive impact on my life and those that fell short of my expectations.  Whether you're a self-help book enthusiast or just starting out, you won't want to...

How To Make Cleaning Your House Fun

How To Make Cleaning Your House Fun

If you need a little extra motivation and inspiration to start cleaning your house today, this podcast is for you! Warning: The techniques I discuss in today's podcast are a bit weird, but I promise they are effective.  It may feel awkward at first, but this...

Declutter with Peter Walsh!

Declutter with Peter Walsh!

Today I had the privilege of interviewing my absolute hero, Peter Walsh! For over 20 years, Peter has been helping families declutter and organize their way to a richer and happier life. Peter's tv show "Clean Sweep" helped me start decluttering and organizing my own...

Are you ADDICTED to Procrastination?!

Are you ADDICTED to Procrastination?!

Did you know that procrastination is actually addicting?! Avoiding stressful situations (or hard work) actually releases a chemical in our brain that makes us feel good (for a fleeting moment). We can get ourselves hooked on this self-destructive behaviour without...

Declutter & Clean with a NEW Technique

Declutter & Clean with a NEW Technique

Are you looking for new inspiration and motivation to declutter and clean your home?! I got you! In today's podcast, I'll talk about a new method for looking at your home differently and decluttering and cleaning more than you ever have before!  I decluttered over...

The Housework Gender Gap – Why Do Women Clean More?!

The Housework Gender Gap – Why Do Women Clean More?!

Women have come a long way regarding overall equality, especially in the workplace. The wage gap between men and women continues to shrink every decade. For the past 20 years, women have exceeded men in college attendance and degrees. Forty-nine percent of employed...

The REAL Cost of Clutter – Featuring The Declutter Hub

The REAL Cost of Clutter – Featuring The Declutter Hub

Today we are discussing the REAL cost of your clutter, which may not be what you think! You deserve a clean and clutter-free home, and you can get there with a little self-love and a little decluttering.  Learn more from Ingrid and Lesley at The Declutter Hub here:...

Diagnosing ADHD in Adults with Dr. Heather Brannon

Diagnosing ADHD in Adults with Dr. Heather Brannon

Do you get distracted easily? Are you forgetful? Do you struggle with daily "adulting"? It's possible you have adult ADHD!  I am joined by the wonderful Dr. Heather Brannon, co-founder of Greenville ADHD Specialists.  Dr. Brannon explains and helps us understand what...