From “Cluttered”
to “Clean” with
these easy
Organizing Tips!

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How to be 10% better in 2022

How to be 10% better in 2022

Happy New Year! In today's podcast, I'll share my tips for actually achieving a new goal in 2022, just by focusing on a small 10% change for the better.  No need to drastically change yourself, or create new "all or nothing" habits. I'll share with you two small...

You gotta Show Up and Shake It – Clutterbug Podcast

You gotta Show Up and Shake It – Clutterbug Podcast

Sometimes, we just get sick of the same old stuff over and over again. No matter how much you love your home, you can get tired of cleaning it. No matter how much your love your job, there are days you just don't want to get out of bed and go to work. In today's...

Say Good-Bye to your Clutter – Declutter Bootcamp

Say Good-Bye to your Clutter – Declutter Bootcamp

In this podcast, we kick-off our WEEK ONE of the Declutter Bootcamp with Trash Bag Therapy.  This is all about changing your minsdert when it comes to your stuff and letting go. Let's turn decluttering from a negative to a positive today.   

How to get control of your home

Eek! I am totally fan-girling because I got to interview the incredible Allie Casazza! In this podcast, Allie and I talk about how you can take control of your home, without feeling overwhelmed. Allie offers real and simple solutions to help you get started. You don't...

LEVEL UP your Life – New Habits Challenge

LEVEL UP your Life – New Habits Challenge

Starting a new habit can seem overwhelming. We know what we SHOULD do, so why is it so hard to actually do those things? For me, it's small things like drinking more water and getting up earlier. Why does it seem so hard to create new, healthy habits?  In this...

Feeling stressed? Me too.

Feeling stressed? Me too.

Truth time: I'm am so freaking stressed out right now! I have been clenching my jaw so hard while I sleep as a result and I am now wearing a mouthguard AND taking anti-anxiety medication. This is NOT ok. In this podcast, I share five simple things that I am doing to...