From “Cluttered”
to “Clean” with
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Organizing Tips!

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How Small Changes can add up to a Big Impact

How Small Changes can add up to a Big Impact

In this podcast I share a few ways that making really small changes can have a really big impact on your home and your life! The audiobook I am currently listening to is called "Atomic Habits" and I really recommend it! Check out the audio version below:

Do you hate cleaning routines?

Do you hate cleaning routines?

If you hate the idea of having a structures cleaning routine, you are not alone. Routines can feel like torture sometimes. In this podcast, I'll show you how to overcome your assumptions about cleaning routines and offer some easy advice that will take the "work" out...

How to Simplify your Life Podcast Series

How to Simplify your Life Podcast Series

Welcome to our mini podcast series about simplifying your life. In this first episode, I share 3 easy things you can do to achieve the first step towards a simpler life: Having less. In this episode, I share the second step to simplifying your life; Doing less. In the...

5 Steps to a Clean Home – Podcast

5 Steps to a Clean Home – Podcast

Listen to my latest podcast to discover 5 simple steps you can take to maintain a clean and clutter-free home for good. Step one: Get a cleaning routine! I cannot express how life changing this is! Even if you resist structure and routines, I want you to give this a...

Motivational Mindset Podcast

Motivational Mindset Podcast

Motivation is a funny thing. Sometimes it hits me unexpectedly and at the most inappropriate times (like in the middle of the night when I should be sleeping, but I suddenly have the urge to finish my zombie apocalypse novel). Most of the time though, it's this...