From “Cluttered”
to “Clean” with
these easy
Organizing Tips!

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How to form new habits – Productivity Bootcamp Part 2

How to form new habits – Productivity Bootcamp Part 2

Welcome to part two of our Productivity Bootcamp! Today we are talking about how to form new habits and some super easy techniques to make habit forming practically effortless (for reals).  Some of the techniques I cover in this podcast are:  Self motivation using...

Productivity Bootcamp Podcast

Productivity Bootcamp Podcast

Do you want to know the secret to getting more done in less time? Do you have big goals and dreams, but they seem impossible to actually achieve? Accomplishing your goals is so much easier when you make the transition from being busy to being productive. Yes,...

Self Care for Christmas

Self Care for Christmas

What is self care? For me, it's taking time for myself so that I can be better for my family. Sometimes we need to relax in order to get more done. Sometimes we also need alone time so that we can better enjoy being around people. In this podcast, I talk about self...

What an Organized Home REALLY looks like!

What an Organized Home REALLY looks like!

What does an organized home look like? Honestly, it has NOTHING to do with how tidy your space is. I used to be a complete disaster, but my home appeared clean and clutter-free. Having a tidy home does not mean that you have an organized home. So what is the...

How to Overcome your Inner Perfectionist

How to Overcome your Inner Perfectionist

Are you a perfectionist? Is your fear of failure causing you to procrastinate? Perfectionism can actually make your home messy and make your life way more complicated than it needs to be. In this podcast, I talk about how to overcome your inner perfectionist and...

Consistency is the KEY to Success!

Consistency is the KEY to Success!

Let me tell you, consistency is the MAGICAL SECRET behind success. Sure, hard work, talent and even some luck play a part...but for me, consistency is the one thing that has worked and continues to work for me. Take a listen to my latest podcast and take the 7 day...

Macro versus Micro Planning

Macro versus Micro Planning

What if I told you that you can get more done in less time SIMPLY by knowing yourself better? It's true. Planning is the secret to productivity, but in order to plan successfully, you need to know what planning style will work for your brain type! Are you a macro or a...