
The Power of the 5% Push

The Power of the 5% Push

There is something magical about "the 5% push". It creates motivation, stops procrastionation and helps you achieve the life you are craving.  Want to learn more? Listen to my latest podcast to learn what this is and exactly how you can use it today!

How to Create New Healthy Habits Podcast

How to Create New Healthy Habits Podcast

Let's create new and healthy habits together! I'm starting a new 30-day challenge for myself, and I hope you start your own challenge with me.  They say it only takes 30-days to create a new and long-lasting habit, so let's put that to the test! Starting May 1st, I'm...

Simplify Your Organizing Style & Do A 7-Day Tidy Challenge

Simplify Your Organizing Style & Do A 7-Day Tidy Challenge

In this podcast, I simplify the four organizing styles so you can simplify your home and your life. REAL organization comes from knowing your natural tendencies and adapting your home, not trying to use systems that don't work for you.  I also show you how a simply...

What is your CLUTTER trying to tell you?

What is your CLUTTER trying to tell you?

If you struggle with "clutter hotspots" in your home, it might not be such a bad thing!  Those pesky areas that just keep getting messy can actually help you create a new organizing system that works exactly how your brain does.  You shouldn't be trying to adapt to...

The Declutter Challenge Part One – Self-Awareness

The Declutter Challenge Part One – Self-Awareness

Decluttering is hard. It's not the physical aspect of moving out stuff that's hard, it's the emotional aspect that stops people from kaing progress.  In 2020, I created a guided journal called The Declutter Challenge to help people deal with the emotional side of...

Is your CLUTTER affecting your weight, mood and finances?

Is your CLUTTER affecting your weight, mood and finances?

My home is a total disaster. We hired someone to repair cracks in our plaster and paint our main floor, but two days after he started, my family and I tested positive for Covid.  During our isolation, the mess continued to grow. The worse my home got, the worse my...

How to Get Motivated and Get Stuff Done

How to Get Motivated and Get Stuff Done

Listen to today's podcast for some really simple things you can do to get yourself motivated EVERY SINGLE DAY, and just get ore stuff done. This is about working harder or longer hours, these are REAL solutions that take just minutes to do.