
How to Simplify your Life Podcast Series

How to Simplify your Life Podcast Series

Welcome to our mini podcast series about simplifying your life. In this first episode, I share 3 easy things you can do to achieve the first step towards a simpler life: Having less. In this episode, I share the second step to simplifying your life; Doing less. In the...

5 Steps to a Clean Home – Podcast

5 Steps to a Clean Home – Podcast

Listen to my latest podcast to discover 5 simple steps you can take to maintain a clean and clutter-free home for good. Step one: Get a cleaning routine! I cannot express how life changing this is! Even if you resist structure and routines, I want you to give this a...

Motivational Mindset Podcast

Motivational Mindset Podcast

Motivation is a funny thing. Sometimes it hits me unexpectedly and at the most inappropriate times (like in the middle of the night when I should be sleeping, but I suddenly have the urge to finish my zombie apocalypse novel). Most of the time though, it's this...

How to form new habits – Productivity Bootcamp Part 2

How to form new habits – Productivity Bootcamp Part 2

Welcome to part two of our Productivity Bootcamp! Today we are talking about how to form new habits and some super easy techniques to make habit forming practically effortless (for reals).  Some of the techniques I cover in this podcast are:  Self motivation using...

Productivity Bootcamp Podcast

Productivity Bootcamp Podcast

Do you want to know the secret to getting more done in less time? Do you have big goals and dreams, but they seem impossible to actually achieve? Accomplishing your goals is so much easier when you make the transition from being busy to being productive. Yes,...

Self Care for Christmas

Self Care for Christmas

What is self care? For me, it's taking time for myself so that I can be better for my family. Sometimes we need to relax in order to get more done. Sometimes we also need alone time so that we can better enjoy being around people. In this podcast, I talk about self...

What an Organized Home REALLY looks like!

What an Organized Home REALLY looks like!

What does an organized home look like? Honestly, it has NOTHING to do with how tidy your space is. I used to be a complete disaster, but my home appeared clean and clutter-free. Having a tidy home does not mean that you have an organized home. So what is the...