
Organize to suit YOUR home

Organize to suit YOUR home

I have Pinterest envy sometimes.  I love surfing the endless inspirational photo's, but I'm often left feeling bummed that I don't have the "space", money or time to recreate those ideas in my own home! Some great examples are the mudrooms and command centres  I often...

7 Ways to Revamp Your Living Room on a Budget

7 Ways to Revamp Your Living Room on a Budget

Hello Everyone! Enjoy this guest post from Horace Black! Times are tough, and many Americans don't have money for luxuries. People are spending weekends in their living rooms, watching pay-per-view television and ordering pizza with family and friends instead of going...

5 steps to a clean house

5 steps to a clean house

I have discovered 5 steps to a clean house....well, clean-ish house anyways.  I guess the word I'm looking for is tidy. My house is far from super clean, but it's good enough that if company stops by unannounced, I no longer want to drop to my knees, crawl into the...

Making Room for Little Ones

Making Room for Little Ones

One of my all time favourite "organizing projects" I have done in my home is my kid cupboard.  There are many projects I have done where I spent very little time to organize something and had it make a big impact on my day to day, but this one stands out in my mind...

I’m in love

I’m in love

There are many belongings in my home that I "like" and a few very special things that I actually "love".  You can tell the difference between the two by imagining your reaction if that thing were to break or get lost.  Would you just be a little upset or would you...

Rid yourself of paper clutter FOREVER!

Rid yourself of paper clutter FOREVER!

Paper can pile up quickly! Here is a quick paper filing method that can help you to kick the paper clutter to the curb for good! These five simple steps can tame your paper beast FOREVER! Get a shredder or at least a bin for where you usually sort mail. If you always...

Conquer Clutter Creep

Conquer Clutter Creep

Clutter has a way of creeping into our lives so slowly, we hardly notice it at first.  A little pile of mail on your desk, some kids school papers on your kitchen counter, a few toys left in the livingroom.... The problem with a tiny bit of clutter creep is that it...

Oh “me” time, where have you gone?

Jeepers creepers.  Kids take up a lot of... well, EVERYTHING! They take up your time, your space and your thoughts... Lately I have realized that my children are literally my entire existence  They are my job, my fun and my entire reason for being... I need to get a...