From “Cluttered”
to “Clean” with
these easy
Organizing Tips!

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The Messy Myth Podcast

The Messy Myth Podcast

There is no such thing as a naturally messy person. You are not messy, you simply organize differently. Take a listen to this podcast as I share my insight into "The Messy Myth".

Borrow Some Motivation

Borrow Some Motivation

I've been in a funk and the truth is, my lack of motivation is the reason why. I just don't feel like working...or cleaning...or adulting in general. What I really want to do is spend my days watching Netflix in my jammies and eating my body weight in chocolate....

The Clutter Connection

The Clutter Connection

There is a direct connection between our physical environment (aka clutter) and how we feel on the inside. When our home is cluttered, our mind can feel cluttered as well. When we take a few minutes to tame the chaos on the outside, we tame the chaos on the inside as...

Abundance versus Simplicity

Abundance versus Simplicity

In today's podcast I talk about my life-long struggle with loneliness, my need to find my place in this world and the importance of knowing yourself better. I am really enjoying Dr Brene Brown's book "Brave the Wilderness". You can find it here: I would love to hear...

Make Your Own Motivation

Make Your Own Motivation

Are you waiting for motivation to find you? Are you putting off doing things in your life until it feels like "the right time"? Stop hoping that someday you will find the motivation to get started and and make your own motivation right now! Listen to my latest podcast...

The Link Between Clutter, Depression and Screen Time

The Link Between Clutter, Depression and Screen Time

Is there a direct link between clutter, depression and screen time? Listen to my latest podcast to hear my opinion and consider taking part in our little "Clutterbug" study! If you want to join my online Facebook support group, click the link now:...

How to Run Your Home Like a Boss

How to Run Your Home Like a Boss

In my old age, I've learned this crazy little life secret: Sometimes the things in life that seem like more work and effort end up being the things that actually make life easier. Weird, but true. Listen to my latest podcast to find out more:

The Self Help Secret That Changed My Life

The Self Help Secret That Changed My Life

I read a lot of self help books, I'm totally a self help book junkie. The first few chapters of almost every book I have ever read has had the exact same effect - I feel energized and motivated to completely transform my life. The only problem is, after a few short...

Homeless Clutter Challenge Podcast and Free Printable

Homeless Clutter Challenge Podcast and Free Printable

Are you struggling with clutter on your surfaces? The odds are that this clutter is collecting because it is "homeless".  Homeless clutter is a real issue for many families, but you can easily declutter these areas once and for all! Listen to my latest podcast for...