Cleaning Tips

Organize Your Holidays

Organizing my home has helped me have more free time and less stress. I am hoping for the same results this holiday season by completely organizing my Christmas!It may sound silly, but making lists and planning is imperative to being organized. I try to make daily,...

Introducing..DAH, DAH, DAH, DUMB…….

My new monthly organizing calendar...can you say HUGE LOSER? I know.So, here it is... my monthly calendar along with other stuff...... enjoy!Monthly Organizing Calendar Sample BudgetSample Kids Activities for NovemberDaily Cleaning ScheduleWeekly Cleaning ScheduleI'm...

Put down the Windex

I had a great Halloween. The look on my kids faces as they ran from house to house was pure joy... I have a new love for Halloween now that I'm a mother and I wish I could do it all over again tomorrow! What made this day even better was that it was shared with loved...

Clutter Buster

Clutter Buster

I'm on a mission today! I am tackling my Chachkis with fierce determination. "Chachkis" is another word for knick-knacks, trinkets or whatever you call all that junk you are keeping around in your home.Don't get me wrong, I think it is very important to have beautiful...

The benefits of organization

Could it be that my crazy anxiety over company coming over is finally going away? We are having a little birthday party for my girls this Saturday and I am not feeling the usual panic and need to scrub every inch of my home. I have noticed a steady decline in my...

My new scrapbooking bag!

I have grand plans to scrapbook all my little girls memories so they will cherish them for years to come, but I just never seem to get around to starting!First of all, I am not a crafty person. My one and only scrapbook of my eldest daughters first year is...

Motivation, where have you gone?

It's hot outside. I'm tired. I'll do it tomorrow. I suddenly have a million excuses for leaving little messes here and there (and everywhere) around my home. Don't get me wrong, I always make excuses for things like not going to the gym or not eating healthy, but...