Cleaning Tips

I’ve Got a Bad Case of Laziness

I like to blame the pregnancy because that makes me feel better, but truthfully I think these extra 50 (or more) pounds are not exactly helping me either.  I'm tired ALL THE TIME. I'm tired and lazy.  I used to have so much energy, I could clean the house, play with...

Keep It Simple

Keep It Simple

This just may be my "better late than never" New Years resolution.   I find myself yearning lately for a quieter, simpler life.  Life is kinda a double edged sword.  We all want "more" while also wanting "less".  We all want nicer things and more of them, yet at the...

The Invisible Stink

The Invisible Stink

Perhaps I have an over active sense of smell to go with my over active imagination, but I find my home always smells a little My husband claims it is the combination of my vast array of cleaning supplies mixed together to make a horrible, lingering stink,...

Weekly Cleaning Schedule

Weekly Cleaning Schedule

I love schedules and when I was first making the transition from super slob to clean freak, I used them religiously.  After a few years, it has just become second nature and I no longer needed to follow a defined "schedule"...that is until now. The holiday season is...

I’m in love

I’m in love

There are many belongings in my home that I "like" and a few very special things that I actually "love".  You can tell the difference between the two by imagining your reaction if that thing were to break or get lost.  Would you just be a little upset or would you...

Conquer Clutter Creep

Conquer Clutter Creep

Clutter has a way of creeping into our lives so slowly, we hardly notice it at first.  A little pile of mail on your desk, some kids school papers on your kitchen counter, a few toys left in the livingroom.... The problem with a tiny bit of clutter creep is that it...

Busy Mom Tips!

Busy Mom Tips!

I'm swamped.  All these kids have me hopping all day long and when the last kiddos go home, my second job begins!  We all know this job too well: Make dinner, force kids to eat dinner, bathe kids, bedtime routine, yell at kids to go to sleep after 30 minutes of...