Cleaning Tips


Many, many years ago I remember flipping through a copy of "Sink Reflections" while visiting my sister.  At the time I was single and had a one bedroom apartment that was an absolute disaster. I remember thinking "I should buy this book", but I never got around...

Free Giveaway

Free Giveaway

I am almost to 1000 subscribers on my youtube vlog, and to celebrate, I am doing a free giveaway! As soon as I hit 1000 youtube subscribers I will be randomly selecting one person and shipping them a big box of all my favourite cleaning supplies! Fabric sweeper,...

Die Dust Bunnies Die!

This past Sunday I got to help my sister organize her master bedroom! I actually had a really fun time doing it and hopefully I helped her setup easy-to-maintain organizing systems and solutions for her clothes and accessories.I think having another person to help and...

Basket-Case Mom got smart!

Last night I received a call from my Mom. I completely forgot that she sometimes reads my blogs and she, of course, read yesterdays blog in which I lovingly referred to her as a "basket-case" and said that I came from "a long line of crazy's". Oops. Sorry Mom.She took...

Company’s Coming

I come from a long line of crazy's. My mother and my mother's mother both have the ability to invoke sheer terror in the entire household anytime company is coming. I, unfortunately, have inherited this same basket-case trait.I not only clean when I know someone is...

These are a few of my favourite things!

These are a few of my favourite things!

When I told my husband I was going to do a "favourite things" blog he said "Who do you think you are, Oprah?"  I don't watch Oprah, but apparently my husband is a big fan. I had no idea she did a "favourite things" show...and no, even though I am copying her, I...

A resolution with instant results

It was one year ago that I began my blog and vlog. My house was "tidy" before then, but far from organized. A year later and countless hours, days...let's be honest, weeks spent organizing and it's still not perfect, but it's a million times better. I hardly ever...

My keepsake trunk

Perhaps I was little overzealous and completely insensitive. Whatever my reason, I was in the wrong. I blame my small house syndrome entirely.Yesterday, in my desperation for just one more inch of space, I did yet another purge. I came across these red...

December Calendars!

My daughter has been sick the past few days, so I apologize for my not posting these sooner! I must admit, I have also been panicking about the fact that I have yet to start shopping or finish my homemade crafty gifts.... Whose organized now eh? Christmas is so...