Cleaning Tips

Declutter with a 21 Item Toss

Declutter with a 21 Item Toss

It is that time of year again! The one and only time of year I actually get excited about cleaning. I tackle the grossest, grimiest areas of my home, once, and only once year.  Windows, behind the fridge and stove and the dreaded dog poo mine field in my back yard...

Give Yourself a Raise

As a SAHM, I don't have a traditional income, so I can't exactly "demand a raise".  After seven and a half long years of endless laundry, wiping bums and never ending cleaning, I deserve some sort of reward!  So how do I reward myself? Usually with

Spring Clean your Closet

Spring Clean your Closet

I haven't posted in awhile...a long while.  I'm still fighting my lazy lump phase.  I miss my crazy, rabid spider monkey energy, but at this point, I have to face the fact that it may be gone forever (*sniff*). I think I still have the ADD part, just minus the "H"...

Our Bedroom Update

Our Bedroom Update

Most of us often neglect our Master Bedroom.  We tend to focus on the rooms in our home that company actually sees, like the living room, and leave our personal space as a last priority. Unfortunately, our bedroom is the last room we spend time in before bed and the...