Cleaning Tips

Give old furniture an inexpensive update!

Give old furniture an inexpensive update!

I've been a stay-at-home Mom for the past 6 years, but with my latest addition to our family, it brings a whole new meaning to the phrase "stay-at-home".  Lets be honest, I never leave my house.  My son is 7 weeks old and pretty colicky and my four and six year old...

5 steps to a clean house

5 steps to a clean house

I have discovered 5 steps to a clean house....well, clean-ish house anyways.  I guess the word I'm looking for is tidy. My house is far from super clean, but it's good enough that if company stops by unannounced, I no longer want to drop to my knees, crawl into the...

Are you a Clean Freak?

Last night I received an email from a very nice lady representing a MAJOR CABLE NETWORK! Yeah, I was geeked.  She is the casting director for a new show about people obsessed with cleaning and organizing! While I do get a major buzz from organizing my sock drawer, I...

Quick Window Cleaning Tip

Quick Window Cleaning Tip

I hate doing windows and it's a hatred that began in early childhood.  My parents completely scared me off with their crazy, excessive window cleaning ritual.  It literally took them HOURS to clean all the windows and I always had to help...I became a...

Making Room for Little Ones

Making Room for Little Ones

One of my all time favourite "organizing projects" I have done in my home is my kid cupboard.  There are many projects I have done where I spent very little time to organize something and had it make a big impact on my day to day, but this one stands out in my mind...


Sorry about my last post.  I attached the wrong April calendar! I've had a rough day, that is my only excuse.  One of the little girls I am babysitting had EXPLOSIVE poop all over my bathroom....which of course made me throw up in the sink... and my youngest daughter...

Spring Cleaning Challenge!

Spring Cleaning Challenge!

I made my own little spring cleaning challenge this year (I made one last year too) to motivate me to get my home into tip top shape.  I'm going to use my pregnancy as an excuse for my recent bout of laziness, but now that I'm feeling better, I need to push myself to...