
Sock Bag – Never have lonely socks again

So, you know how everyone always complains that their dryer eats one sock from every pair? Have you ever rooted through your sock drawer trying to find two matching socks? I have the solution!! Seriously, I know I am a huge loser but I think this is one of the...

A “Duh” Moment

A “Duh” Moment

Have you ever had one of those "duh" moments when you do something so dumb, so absolutely retarded that you feel embarrassed just thinking about it? I have those daily. I come by it honestly, my mother and grandmother both suffer from the same condition. We all...

Quick Tip for Problem Areas

Let me first say that I woke up in a bitchy mood so I'm not going to sugar coat this shit. I'm in a foul mood and I'm sleep deprived, so here are your freakin' tips of the day.Everyone has problem areas in their home that just seem to attract clutter and I'm...

Doing the Shuffle

Doing the Shuffle

Yesterday the girls and I were out shopping and I picked up a new Dora game for them. After getting home and playing with it, I tried to put it away. We have a large coffee table with two sides that open up for storage downstairs and we keep all the kids games...


I'm a hider. A HUGE hider. I just hate looking at a pile of stuff in my home.  I get it from my mother who gets it from her mother. I come from a long line of hidey-hoarders. Everything nice and neat on the outside but cupboards, closets and drawers are...

He loves me

My husband and I have an ongoing battle over personal space. Well, truthfully, it is over me invading his personal space.  I have completely taken over our entire home when it comes to decorating and organizing. Poor guy really doesn't have a say in...

Garbage Bag Therapy

So a few days ago I bought yet another cleaning product for my laminate floors. Lets just say I have a love / hate relationship with my floors. I love the fact that they are not carpet... I hate the fact that they are the cheapest laminate you can buy and...

What Clutterbug are you? – Dragonfly

Hello. Today is the last blog in the series, Identify your Organizing Style. Today is the last Clutterbug, the Dragonfly.Here is a quick overview of the other Clutterbug styles:Butterfly - Hoarders. Suffers from "out of sight out of mind" and therefore everything is...